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Spring 2023


​Based on number of dancers and their registered spectators,

competition will run in 2 time blocks

  • Morning: Primary, Beginner, Novice & Intermediate

  • Afternoon: Premier


9:00AM - Park opens to morning & all day attendees

please do not arrive at the park prior to 9:00AM,

we will still be in set-up mode and not able to allow admittance until 9:00AM

9:00AM-9:45AM - Morning competition registration

10:00AM - Morning competition begins

Dancing will begin with Intermediate Laddie

Followed by Primary Pas de Basques

Then by Beginner, Novice & Intermediate Fling

~ 1:00PM - Morning competition & awards scheduled to be concluded

we are asking all morning attendees to exit the park by 1:30PM

to allow afternoon attendees time to arrive


1:30PM - Park opens to afternoon attendees

please do not arrive at the park prior to 1:30PM

the morning attendees will still be in the park and will need time to pack up & exit prior to your admittance

1:30PM-2:15PM - Afternoon competition registration

2:30PM - Afternoon competition begins

Dancing will begin with Premier Fling

~ 6:00PM - Afternoon competition & awards scheduled to be concluded

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